Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Goodbye Papa

Still no passport so Jason headed home today. It is so hard for a little boy to understand what's going on. We had Galya tell Daniel that Papa is getting on a plane to go to America and get our home ready for him. Mama and Daniel will fly to America in a few days. After Papa left us at the airport, Daniel turned to Galya and said, 'Will he ever come back?' :( We miss you papa. Now every time we see a similout (plane) up in the sky Daniel says, 'Papa!'.

Jason leaving today was the right decision. As of 9:00p on Wednesday, still no passport. We are waiting and hoping to come home on Saturday but it is starting to look like it may be next week. Jason is still flying as I type this post, so please say a prayer for him.

Mama and Daniel moved out of the apartment and in with Galya. We are happy not to be alone and Galya can explain to him what's going on. I am using this time to learn more and more phrases in Russian so we can communicate with our son when we get home. I know God has a reason to keep me here. My prayer is that I can accomplish His purpose and make these remaining days meaningful.

Thanks for your encouragement! I can't wait for you to meet this amazing boy God picked out for us. He is so great! He knows his name (still says Daniel Tolic) and today he is actually adding Karlen on the end. He has been saying 'Thank you' for quite some time and today we added 'You're Welcome'. So now he says them both together. What a smart boy!


Anonymous said...

Although Bob and I have not sent many comments to you guys, you have been in our thoughts and prayers so much and we eagerly read the blog when we are able to do so. We were in Florida for the Sebring races the other week and kept telling Garrett that he has a new nephew that he will have to get to know. If Daniel follows the Lee tradition, he will have to have a vintage automobile to restore by the time he is 10 - 12 years of age. Who knows, Bob may already have one in will of course have to be a Ford, just like Steph and Garrett :)

We are so very proud of the way the two of you have handled this event in your life and the wonderful faith you have shown through all of the ups and downs. As you well know, God's grace is wonderful and you two are certainly deserving of the joys you are currently receiving and will continue to receive with your little one. Daniel is truly one lucky boy!

I am going to Richmond's Bizarre Bazaar on Friday and would love to buy Mr. Daniel something, but do not know his clothing size, so if you are able, can you please provide me with that. I got the tickets for the race in Richmond the other day and thought about how great it would be for you guys to be here and for us to see Daniel enjoy his first race. Hopefully, such will occur in the not too distant future. Hugs and kisses all around :)

Bob and Judi

Anonymous said...

One of those nights. Just could not sleep so at 4:20 a.m. I am checking the blog. Maybe its my lack of sleep, but reading the blog brought tears to my eyes. Was so hoping you would all be home together. Daniel sounds amazing. He does not seem to have problems with attachment. Cannot wait til you are all home safe and sound. God has chosen just the right parents, and just the right child. I am so happy for you. I am so glad you are able to stay with someone who speaks the language in these final days. Another blessing from an awesome God. Love You, Sandy & Dennis

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, Daniel and Jason.

I've read your blog for the very first time tonight. Incredible.
I wasn't aware that your journey had been documented here. And it's an amazing one. Can't wait to meet the Sgt! Somehow methinks his rank (not diff) will be elevated to 5-star at 910.

Godspeed and prayers!