Thursday, April 16, 2009

Exploring the world

It's a big world out there for a little boy to figure out! We are having fun watching Daniel learn about the world and rack up so many new experiences. Our routine is to go somewhere in the morning to play and wear him out so he will take his afternoon nap. Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been that great so we are finding all of the indoor play areas in town.

Yesterday we went to the playland at McDonalds and today it was Chick-Fil-A. He hadn't seen a tunnel slide before, so he wasn't so sure he wanted to go down. He wouldn't try it at all yesterday, so today Mom climbed up in there and slid down with him. (good thing not many people were around!) That's all it took - one time down together and then he was off and running. No fear - up and down about a million times. He had a great time!!

The sun came out this afternoon so we went off to the park. He loves to throw sticks in the lake, so that kept us busy for about an hour. Then on the way back to the car he discovered the dandylions. There really isn't anything cuter than a kid blowing a dandylion. I couldn't bring myself to make him leave. It was so sweet! He picked every dandylion in that field and blew it apart. After awhile he figured out that it was more fun for the 2 dandylions to fight it out. So cute! Everything is new, everything is exciting - we are having such fun!!!


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

Such precious pictures! Don't feel embarrassed. I am one of those moms who climbs right in, too. The kids at the orphanage thought it was funny that I was climbing the monkey bars! Enjoy your time with that sweet baby! He is a perfect addition to your family.

Anonymous said...

That picture with the dandelion is so cute! What a great age for him to be with you to. We are happy to hear all the new stories.
The Novotny Family