Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More waiting......

Hi Everyone!! Yes, this is finally Kelly again. Jason has been doing the posting for the last few days, while mama stays home with Daniel. They are both home napping right now and I decided that it's my turn to sneak away to the internet cafe. I have been so blessed to go back through and catch up on all of your comments. We love getting them and it helps us feel a little closer to home.

Not close enough though. Can I just be honest and say that we are horribly homesick? We have had a wonderful time, loved our experiences in Ukraine, and love all of the new friends we have made but we miss good old Louisville and all of you. We are on the home stretch and just can't wait to bring Daniel home to meet you all and to settle in to our new lives as a family. These days of waiting have been the hardest. We are just waiting on that passport. As of right now, 3:00p on Tuesday, still no passport. If we don't get it today, Jason will probably go ahead and fly home tomorrow (and save $$ by not having to change his ticket) and Kelly and Daniel will follow ASAP!!

We went to the US Embassy today and filed our paperwork, so that if Jason leaves everything is ready to go. I will just go back to the Embassy with Daniel once we have the passport and do the final steps to apply for his visa. It usually takes 12 - 24 hours for them to process the visa. Everything hinges on that passport. It still could be ready today. Please say a prayer for us right now that it will happen!!! We loved being back on US soil. It's weird, I know, but it felt good at the Embassy. I just wanted to linger a bit and feel at home.

If we don't get the passport today, no worries. Kelly and Daniel can survive the trip home. Not that it wouldn't be better with papa, but we'll be OK. Jason has to return to work on Monday and we thought it would be too hard to fly home on Saturday or Sunday and go right back to work. If he comes tomorrow, he will have some time to re-adjust to the time zone and get a few things ready for us to arrive.

This is all in the Lord's perfect timing. He has led us every step of the way and He won't abandon us now. He brought our family together in this awesome, amazing way and we know that He will work out this little passport issue. We are trusting His plan. His eye is on the sparrow and I know he is watching me! (Darla - sorry we missed your special in church. I know it was great)

We did a bit more geocaching today around Kiev. Our little boy loves those treasure hunts! And did we tell you that we are still working on counting in English? We add a new number every day. So far we are up to 13! He is so smart. We can't wait for him to start speaking English. I know he is saying some amazingly cute things and we are just missing it. I love having Gayla with us because she tells me all of the sweet things he says.

We will post again soon to tell you what happens. Pray for that passport and pray for traveling safety. In the grand scheme of life - this is just a couple of days. It's all good. We are so blessed!


Anonymous said...

The two of you have demonstrated your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, keep it up as we are behind you in prayers.

Trust your decisions as you have been prayed up and am sure you know details that we all don't.

Sounds like Daniel is smart like Papa and Momma! Seems he is up for about any challenge.

As Dorothy said, there's no place like home! We still live in the best country in the world.

Hoping you continue your blog after you are all home, as many are anxious to hear all the neat things that are to come to you as a family.

Jason, Kelly and Daniel are in safe hands and know you are too.

Love to all,


Anonymous said...


Can't wait to see you!

I will be praying for a safe journey home for all of you!

Pam B

Dad said...

The goal line is in sight, just a lil push away. We have been so thrilled with your testimony through these past several weeks. You have made us very proud parents. This adventure has made us very much aware of where your priorities have always been. This just confirms all we have suspected was the case. We pray that God will richly bless you all! By the way let me know when you will be arriving and I will pick you up at the airport. Love and miss you both and Daniel.

Mom and Dad

Carol C. said...

I'm gone for a few days and so much has happened but still no passport. But as you say, God has plans and he will take care of you all. The circus sounds good except for the rats. They are not my kind of animal. We got back from Gatlinburg tonight. We got to see 1 mama and 2 baby bears getting into our trash at the cabin. It was neat. We were about 10 feet from them. That is about all the excitement I have. Can't wait for you all to return and start your life together as a Kentucky Family.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from a nice visit with daughter and her husband in California. Thought you might be home already. So sorry for the delay in Daniel's paperwork. Will pray that it comes in time for you to leave together.

CAn't wait to see you three.

Love you guys.

Sandy & Dennis

Carrie said...

Wow that passport is taking a long time. I am praying for you that it comes quickly. You are SOOO close. And then you get the big prize. To get on a plane with your son and take him to his new home.

Blessings to you.