Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday blahs

I woke up this morning with pink eye! Can you believe it? Well, I am not sure if it's pink eye or a cold in my eye. I am definitely coming down with a cold too. I was worried about passing it on to Daniel, so I didn't go for today's visit. Papa was flying solo! It's good practice for him, right?

Once we dropped him off at the orphanage, I was trying to get Simone to take me to a pharamacy. I didn't have that on my list of handy phrases, so we were stumbling a little. I got Oksana on the phone and she explained. He tried to take me to an eye doctor that he knows, but they weren't in on Saturday. So, instead he took me to a real pharamacy (not just the grocery store, which is what I was trying for). If I wouldn't have been distressed I would have enjoyed checking it out. It was like an old fashioned pharamacy there - nothing but drugs - and 2 ladies behind the counter. They looked me over, Simone had a long conversation with them, and we walked out with some type of eye drops. I can't read the bottle, I have no idea what they are, but I am putting them in 3 times a day and hope to have a miraculous recovery by tomorrow so that I can visit Daniel. Simone has once again proven to be God sent. We are so thankful for him!

By the way - Go Cards!!! Jason and I have tried to find a 24 hour internet cafe so we could watch the game, but no luck (and now I am sick so forget it). We will be cheering them on from here! If we make it to the Final 4 we are definitely going to find a place to watch. By then we should be back in Kiev so maybe it will be easier. Daniel will get a taste of his first basketball game - wearing the U of L hat that pappaw sent.

1 comment:

Carol C. said...

Take care of yourself, rest and get better soon. I'm sure papa did great by himself. Gives them male bonding time.