Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Report Cards!!

We had our Parent/Teacher conference yesterday at Daniel's school and got his report card. I am proud to report to you that he got 7 A's, 1 B and 1 C (in math). We couldn't be more pleased. Out of necessity, we have focused more on English than on math so we weren't surprised that he got A's in reading and writing and a C in math.

We are so impressed with his progress. He is actually reading! He started out in the reading group for kids that are behind and he has moved up to the group of readers 'at grade level'. His teacher said he would be in the advanced group, but he has trouble staying on task when they are in groups and that's one of the requirements to be in the advanced group. He is also writing in full sentences. WOW! His teacher told us that she goes over their learning objective for the day (capitalization or spacing or whatever) and then she models it for the class and then tells them they can write about whatever they want. She said they think it's so cute that Daniel ALWAYS writes about how happy he is with Mom and Pop. She sends home his writing work. I have the cutest papers that say 'I Luv Mom and Pop' or 'I wuz hapy wen I frst saw Mom and Pop' or 'I wuz hpy to go Prk with Mom and Pop' (insert beaming smile here!)

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