Friday, March 26, 2010

Still here!

So sorry for the long silence! For some reason I can't download pictures from my camera anymore. I don't know what's going on and what fun is a post without pictures?? Well, I finally decided to update, just so you would know we're still here!

We had a great adoption party on March 10th - Daniel's adoption day. We decided we would celebrate the day he joined our family as another birthday. That way, when he thinks about being adopted he'll think it's great because he has 2 birthdays! We had a really nice party. Thanks family for joining our celebration! We had about 20 people there!!

Since then, we've just been staying busy with school and activities. We signed Daniel up for baseball through our church. He wanted to play basketball, but that's a winter sport so we're trying baseball. We thought it would be a good outlet for him to run off all of that energy!!!

He's still been getting into a bit of trouble at school. We went this whole week without getting a smile! He's been throwing cushions, sticking his tongue out, saying No, refusing to do his work, and just generally misbehaving. (and then they also write up that he was good in the classroom, it's just when he's away from his normal teacher) I don't know what the answer is. We've tried taking away the television time (no smile, no tv), taking away the computer time, taking away toys, offering candy, writing sentences, you pick our dinner spot, standing in the corner....we're just at a loss. I told Jason - I think it's a total accident if he gets a smile or a straight line. I think he acts the same way every day and it's just a matter if it gets noticed or not. That may not be the case, but it sure seems like it. He always seems surprised to see what he got.

He's just the sweetest thing. We marvel at how happy and how excited he is. It just seems like life is so great, he's happy all the time. He's so full of life. And lately he's been a chatterbox. Usually it's like pulling teeth to get him to tell us about his day, but lately he just won't stop talking. It's like all this time he didn't know how to tell us and now he's making up for it! The other night I was putting him to bed, closing the curtains to his room and he comes running over and says, 'Mom, you're my best friend!' What a sweetheart! I am going to enjoy it now while he's little - I know that won't last. He loves to sit on my lap and snuggle, loves to be tickled, he's the apple of mom's eye - that's for sure!

Hopefully I can share new pictures with you soon! We are headed to Florida for Spring Break. Mom is more excited than Daniel. He has no idea what's coming! I asked him if he wanted to go to Florida and see Mickey Mouse. He thought about it for a minute, shrugged his shoulders and said, 'Sure!' :) He has no idea! We could be going to the mall for all he knows. We are going to go to Magic Kingdom for a couple of days and also take him to the beach. If we survive that long car ride, it's gonna be great! The next time you see Daniel, he might have mouse ears!

1 comment:

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

Hope you have a great vacation. We are planning "the" trip next year. Have fun!