Thursday, February 25, 2010

One Year Ago

Exactly one year ago today, we met this little boy:

It's really amazing to think back to that day. We were so tired, running on nervous energy and stepping out in faith - believing that God picked out this child for us. I will be honest, there weren't bells and rainbows and a swell of dramatic background music. It was just us, sitting in a dark office in Ukraine, meeting a total stranger. But there was also a calm certainty. God lined everything up to bring us to this day and what an awesome feeling that was!

So here we are - exactly one year later:

And we are more certain today than we were a year ago. God picked out just the right child for us. He is our boy through and through! We are so blessed and feel truly fortunate to parent this sweet child. He's been so fun. We've done more running, tickling, hiding, laughing, chutes and ladders, Phineas and Ferb, making PB&J, throwing balls, counting, spelling and hugging in the past year than I don't know when! Don't get me wrong - we have our moments. He is still getting in trouble in school. We have had more than one note from his teacher. He's being defiant, saying no to the teachers, full of attitude, putting his food on the floor in the cafeteria, and today - pinching a kid. We work through the things as they come and celebrate when he gets a smile! (which he does - it's up and down!)

The stuttering is almost completely gone (for now). It was so bad a few weeks ago, I thought we were going to need to get him some therapy and now it's gone. Huh!

We marvel at how far he's come in a year! He's learned so much and his English is great. But, he's still learning new things every day. He doesn't yet have enough English to really tell me a story. He wants to tell about something that happened at school, but he doesn't have enough words. He'll get half way through a story, and then just say, 'I don't know.' He gives up. But he can do way more today than he could even a few months ago. He can actually get on the phone and have somewhat of a conversation with you - it's pretty cute. I usually always know what he's trying to say - even if someone else doesn't. Check this out:

Thank you Lord for making us a family!


The McEacherns said...

One year already? Wow! It's been so fun to watch Daniel transform. What a blessing!

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

Blessings to you all!!!! Daniel is an amazing boy and I'm sure the future holds no bounds for him!