Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Camera!!!!

Jason got me a new camera for my birthday and I am having a great time learning all about it. I just figured out how to download photos tonight so here are some cute ones....

Behavior update - we got all smiley faces today!! Things are improving! We still get frowney faces sometimes, but the report changes each day. We don't have repeat infractions. Every day is something new. When I drop him off in the morning we go over the rules for school - no hitting, no throwing, don't touch the other kids, no screaming, no elbows, listen to the teacher. Each day we have a new issue. Sometimes I think they are being too strict - talking in the bathroom? dancing in the lunch room? I mean, he is 5 after all. I can't jump on his case for everything! I want school to be a good experience. So, we focus on the positive and as long as he isn't choking or hitting - I am happy!

He is a typical kid. He is constantly asking Why? Why? Why? Last night when I put him to bed he was asking Why? Because it's time to sleep. Why? Because it's late. Why? So I explained to him that while you are sleeping you are growing. You need to sleep so you can grow big and strong. I never realize what things fly over his head and what will actually stick. This morning, as soon as he got up he was telling me, 'Mom, I'm growing!' I said, 'Oh! Did you grow while you slept?' He says, 'Yes, I'm growing. Look at me! I'm BIG! And.........roller coaster!' He really can't wait to be tall enough to ride the big coasters! What a crack up!


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

I sympothize with you over the school thing. Colton gets notes sent home constantly. "He wasn't sitting correctly in his seat", or "He was invading other kid's privacy (what?!)", meaning he touched their desk as he walked by. Come on. Best of luck with that handsome boy.

Carrie said...

Hilarious! Maybe the teacher is just trying to break them in. I don't think you'll ever get 5-year-olds to not talk in the bathroom!