Monday, September 21, 2009

Still Here!

I know, I know, long time no post! We are doing fine, just BUSY!!! Jason and I collapsed on top of our bed on Sunday afternoon and he commented, 'Remember when we could just lay down and take a nap on Sunday afternoon?' At least I think that's what he said. I was trying to hear him in between, 'Mom, what about play? What about Daniel play blocks? You could play with me. Mom? What about play? I want to play. What about Daniel play blocks?' No problem with English - he can get his point across, that's for sure! He may be missing some of the filler words but he is totally speaking in full sentences and very well. He has started saying, 'Cool!' (he picked that up at school for sure!)

We think back to BD (before Daniel), when we were preparing to go to Ukraine. I thought I wanted 2 kids. I prayed, 'Lord, whoever you have for us will be great but Oh, by the way, I would really like 2 kids - 1 boy and 1 girl.' Well, He sure knows what He is doing! I can't imagine if he blessed us with 2! 1 Daniel keeps us hopping. He is so full of energy! We are constantly on the go, on the move, playing, playing, playing. Of course, if we had another - he would have a playmate. It wouldn't have to be mom or pop! Although, surprisingly enough - I am pretty fierce with a light saber!

Last week, when I was taking Daniel to school we were talking about our week. (it is a constant discussion! That's all I hear, 'Mom - what tomorrow? And then? And then?) So I was telling him - 3 more days of school and then 2 days of no school.

He says, 'And then mom, all done school?'

'No!', I say. 'This is what we do - 5 days of school and then 2 days of no school, 5 days of school and then 2 days of no school - over and over.'

He goes, 'Awwwww man! Why mom, why?'

:) It's going to be a long 13 years!! He likes school - he would just rather play all day! (yeah - me too!)

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