Friday, February 27, 2009

First meeting

OK - I know everyone is dying of suspense. Here is what you wanted to hear about......

We left Kiev at 3:00am. Whoa! We were so tired. Drove and drove to get here. Then got lost, cracked out the GPS and finally found our way. We went straight to the inspector's office. She provides the local paperwork needed to visit the orphanage. Then she loaded up into the van with us and went to the orphanage to meet him. Yes - we had been riding in the van all day, no sleep, and now we are finally going to meet this little boy. The moment we've been waiting for.....

At the orphanage, first the physician comes in and tells about him. He was off having lunch. We wait some more and then finally the caregiver walks in with him. She is holding his hand and blocking my view. I am craning around - so eager for my first glimpse. And there he is - a smiling little boy, very tall. He smiles really big and says, 'My name is ____, I am 4 years old and I have a song for you.' (name removed for privacy) and then he starts to sing. Of course, all of this is in Ukrainian, so we have no idea what he's saying. But what a cutie with a big personality! We brought him a juice box and he warmed right up to us.

We visited for a little bit and then had to leave. We came back later in the day, after his nap, and played some more. Then today, 2 more visits. He is a very verbal child - inquisitive and ACTIVE! We are going to be hopping. He is already repeating words in English when prompted. And - he is trying to teach us Ukrainian. We aren't very good students! He counts in Ukrainian and we count back in English. He will pick it up quickly, I know.

He is well taken care of. There are quite a few care givers and they all seem concerned about his well being. He is eating well and they have a playroom full of toys as well as outside play grounds. We will continue to visit him twice a day and move forward with paperwork. We feel certain that this is the little boy that God picked out for us and we can't wait to bring him home to meet you all. We appreciate your comments and prayers. We love and miss you all!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kelly & Jason,
We are so pleased that things have worked out. Your happiness is so evident through your posts. What a wonderful answer to prayer - God is so good to us. We are so anxious to see and meet your new son for the first time. It is our prayer that God will continue bless your trip and keep you all safe. We love and miss you.

Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here with great big tears in my eyes. I am so happy for you two. There is nothing so magical as seeing your child for the first time!
He sounds SPUNKY!! I like that! He will keep you on your toes, but the rewards will be endless!
Are you going to get him a muskrat hat to match his daddy's?

Kim said...

YEAH!!! I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait to hear more and more about him.

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome! Some great times lie ahead of you all. We couldn't be happier!

Carol C. said...

I am so happy for you all to finally meet. God's work is wonderful on bringing you all together as a family. Let me know his size as Kohl's is having a sale tomorrow. I love to shop for bargains.

P.s. You can keep the chips.

Anonymous said...

Wow and Amen!!!! We are so excited for all three of you. God has a plan for you guys and it is all coming together. We cant wait to meet him and have you guys back home safe and sound. I agree with Trindy...he needs a hat like dads. You guys have a wonderful time learning your son as he learns from you. We miss you all and cant wait till your back home.

Love and Prayers,
Dave and Dahbee

Anonymous said...

He sounds like a perfect future Richmond race fan! I just read your blog while talking on Skype to Bob and Garrett and they, like me, are so happy for you. What a perfect Lenten present from God :)

Bob, Judi, and Garrett

Carrie said...

Congratulations guys. He sounds perfect. How cute that he is teaching you Ukrainian. He sounds like a gem. Best wishes getting to know your little boy.

Anonymous said...

Awesome news! He sounds like he will love geocaching!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news. Your little boy sounds like a great kid! Congratulations.

Angie Nord