Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A change in plans.....

Thank you for all of your comments! We love to get a word from home. Keep them coming!!

It turns out the little boy outside Kiev was not available. So, we have accepted another referral for a 4 year old little boy. He is in an orphanage in Bilgorod-Dnistrovsky, a town southwest of Odessa. This is in Southern Ukraine, about 6 hours south of Kiev. We are happy to go south and find some warmer weather. It is on the coast of the Black Sea.

We are waiting in Kiev for some paperwork and then will be heading down there at 3:00AM tomorrow. We are leaving early in the hope that we can get to town, get the necessary local paperwork done and get to meet this little guy tomorrow. We are so excited to finally meet him!

After all of that excitement yesterday, we spent the evening at the Ukrainian National Ballet. The performance was Don Quixote and we were very impressed. The dancers were excellent! We had a good time with Galya and kept her out late!

Food update - we finally ate some local Ukraine food. They have cafeteria style restaurants that are great because we can see all of the food and pick out what looks good. Lunch for Kelly consisted of Borscht (with a dollop of sour cream - yummy!) and a plate of cabbage and valenky (which are like peirogies). Jason had fish baked in paprika and buttery mashed potatoes. Dinner took us to another cafeteria (right near the ballet). Kelly had cabbage rolls and potato cakes and Jason had Chicken Kiev (yes, they call it that here) and vegetables. We are enjoying trying new things, so far everything is yummy and cholesterol free :) . We had some wonderful baklava for dessert.

You can tell we are eating good and enjoying our time here, just hanging out waiting to meet the little one. More news tomorrow, hopefully good!! Thank you for your continued prayers. We feel the hand of God moving in this adoption and we are following His lead.


Kim said...

Hope you have an uneventful trip and get to meet your little guy soon!!! :)

Carol C. said...

Thanks for keeping us all posted on your activities. We are so excited for you all. Safe travels.

Jeanine Gower said...

Hope you able to sleep at night w/the anticipation coming each day. We pray and so excited for you and the expectant grandparents!

Carrie said...

Congratulations guys. I am so happy that you have a successful referral. Lucky you, going south. I hope you find MUCH warmer weather. It sounds like we are eating the same stuff you are. So far, the food has been excellent. Love the borcht! Good luck on your trip. I hope you meet your son very soon.

Anonymous said...

As I have told you so many times before, I am so excited for you two! You're going to make great parents! I hope that you are taking lots of pictures. The scrapbooking opportunities are ENDLESS! I'm not so sure about the Muskrat hat! I doubt that you'll be able to find an example for that one!
Kelly, I'm impressed. Your postings are coming across as being posted at 5am. I've never known you to be much of a "morning person". Could it be the time difference? Seven hours? Anyway, it looks impressive! Hope you had a great day today!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are able to take in some of the local culture. Maybe you will be able to have a little sea bass as it was very popular when I was in Turkey this past summer. These are exciting times. Take care and be safe!

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

Hey, just got our internet access working. I have felt naked for the past two days. I pray this referral works for you. We just accepted a referral for a 5 yr. old boy in Kharavik (sp). He was born a year to the day before our wedding anniversary. Crazy. I appologize for missing everyone. Did you get to meet Carrie?

Carol C. said...

Hello to the new Mom and Dad....Hope your travel to Odessa was safe and you got to met your little guy. Will you move here or do you have to travel 6 hours each day? Thanks for taking the time to update your postings. Hope you got to bed early last night after getting up so early. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you taking in some culture.. Something tells me, you'll be having less time for that in the future!

Anonymous said...

I was druelling as a I read about the food. Baklava for breakfast?! Love it! It's probably more heatlhy than a doughnut.