Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

No new pictures, but I have to share with you these 2 cute things..........

The other night I was putting Daniel to bed. He says to me:
'Mom, do you want to sleep with me? My bed is warm and toasty!'
'No Sweetie. I am going to put on my pj's and then I go to sleep with Pop.'
'Why, mom?'
'Because I am married to Pop - so I sleep with him.'
'Tomorrow - do you want to marry me?'
(how sweet is that?)

Last night, we went out to the Hopeful Hearts gala. That is the organization through our church that helped us with our adoption (link on the sidebar). They have one fundraising dinner a year. We always make it a point to attend, and that's our fancy valentine date too! So, I was getting all snazzed up - putting makeup on in the bathroom and Daniel was watching. He was watching me put on my lipstick and he goes,
'Wow Mom - you're pretty!'
'Thank you, sweetie!'
'Mom, don't kiss me with that stuff on!'

So, immediately I had to chase him around the house making kissy noises. What a crack up he is!

1 comment:

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

Daniel is too sweet! You guys are amazing parents. Enjoy your little one.