Monday, June 1, 2009

To Catch you up!

OK - I know it's been awhile since I posted. I am getting used to being back to work and juggling my time. I am still taking lots of photos, but they are all stuck in my camera!

Today was Daniel's first day of day care. As with most other things, he did just great. We were so proud. I actually met a lady over the weekend that speaks Russian, so I had her tell me how to say school in his language. Once he heard he was going to school, he was pretty excited! He woke up and said to me first thing, 'Mama work, Daniel school'. They said he did really well, and even interacted with some of the other kids. He was very polite at lunch and kept saying, 'Thank you!' What a relief! Hopefully tomorrow will be an equal success.

Here are some other posts to catch you up.......

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