Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10000 hits!

When Kelly and I started this blog, we never really thought anyone would actually read the thing besides some family wanting to know what we were doing in Ukraine. Fast forward about a year and we are nearing 10000 hits! We know that number is representative of the overwhelming support, love, and prayers we have received during and after our adoption journey. God not only blessed us with an awesome little boy, but with fantastic friendships and family. Thanks to every one of you who offered support, gave gifts, and most of all prayed on our behalf. We know that, because of you and the love you've shown, this experience has not only been easy, but a delight.

We have learned (or re-learned) many lessons throughout the last year. Some of them are:
  • God is ABSOLUTELY faithful when you follow His guidance
  • When folks pray in earnest, great things can happen
  • You are loved by many more people than you realize
  • Even in tough times, people are amazingly considerate and generous
  • When you misbehaved as a kid, it actually hurt your parents' feelings (that one was a shocker to both Kelly and me). Sorry mom and dad!
  • You develop a strong bond with folks who have gone through the same experience - even if you haven't actually met. How weird is that? We still read the Czeropski, Turner, and Tucci blogs everyday and pray for them all of the time.
  • Being a parent forces the father into a spiritual leadership role which isn't a bad thing
I'm sure Kelly would add several more things to the list.

Anyhow, we still love to get comments on our posts and truly appreciate all of your support! Now - I wonder who will be the 10000th visitor....


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

It makes you feel good knowing that so many people are supporting you, many of whom you've never met! Enjoy your beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

We Love you guys!!!!

It is easy to have friends like you and include your family in our prayers...You all are special and what a blessing to have you all in our lives


Carrie said...

You guys are awesome. I love what you said about hurting your parents. I guess having children IS payback! So where is your counter?

The McEacherns said...

Wow! There is a whole amazing community in blogging isn't there? That resource, coupled with the Body of Christ, is a pretty amazing thing!

Holmes412 said...

Kelly & Jason:

While at my Mom's house months ago, I saw a card from you that had your blog info and I've been keeping up with you and your journey over the last several months. I am absolutely thrilled for you and will continue to pray for you as you adjust to parenthood. Depending on the day, it can be the highest high or the lowest low but it is, hands down, the greatest gift.

I would love to send something for Daniel but have no idea of what he might still need or would enjoy or I can also go the practical route and get some clothes. I would just need sizes please. I'm flexible so please, just let me know.

It's been what feels like a lifetime since we've caught up with each other but I just wanted to let you know that I'm so happy you all ended up with a happy ending to your long and I'm sure sometimes frustrating journey.

Beth (Breene) Holmes