Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bits and Notes

Daniel's 2nd tooth came out last week:

I am caving to your peer pressure and giving the tooth fairy a raise. He will be getting one whole dollar for this tooth!

Daniel chose roller skating for his prize after his good week at school. It was a fun time:

Something he couldn't do when he first came here, he has now mastered. After much practice at recess, Daniel can now make it all the way across the monkey bars! (that's something mom can't do!)

AND the Hornets won their last soccer game!

As if the weekend wasn't full enough, he also had a karate tournamet. It was so cute to see how excited he was about his big trophy!! Here he is breaking his board:

And Sparring:

And with his cool trophy and 2 medals. (Jason and I went around all day singing, 'You're the best, around. Nothing's gonna ever keep you down!' The 80's anyone? We totally felt like we were in the Karate Kid movie, with our Daniel son.)

Whew! I am exhausted just thinking back over it all. Now soccer is over and we can rest, right?

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