Saturday, September 25, 2010

Another week, another trip to the principal

And this week it's rock throwing on the playground. YAY. This was the view at our house....

We're still working on making good choices and following the rules. He knows what he should be doing, he just doesn't do it. We keep telling him, you need to STOP and THINK before you do something. Sometimes I wonder if he can stop himself. When he's in the moment, he doesn't have the self control to stop himself from doing the wrong thing. We're praying about it.

And he is also a rock star at soccer. Every parent thinks their kid is great, right? But we are so surprised! He is playing with kids that have played for years and he is right in there. He really hustles and goes after the ball. That aggressive personality is serving him well in sports and it is so cute to see.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelly, hang in are doing such a great job with Daniel..He has made such progress but this is still so new to him...continue to praise the good and ignore the bad as much as possible..the attention getter is the problem..He will work through this just try to be patient with him..Hugs to all of you...would love to see him play sometime when things calm down for us...not sure when that will be but we are also making to all...Deb