Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Met ya day!!

4 years ago yesterday we met this sweet, exhuberant, excited, mystery of a boy:

I think back to that day with wonder and shake my head in amazement.  It's really a surreal moment.  You've been preparing for a year, (mentally longer than that) and now here is this little person.  You expect a dramatic music score and the heavens to open and shine a rainbow down on his head, but we don't live in a movie.  It was meeting a total stranger that doesn't speak your language and trying to imagine this person as a part of your life.  Trying to find a connection - real or imagined.  Trying to figure out - does he like me?  We knew without a doubt that God was guiding our steps, so in all of that uncertainty you hold out your hand and smile big and throw sticks over a dirty wall.  I had no idea how much God would open our hearts and change our world.  Adoption is not for the faint of heart.  It is hard and emotional and fraught with uncertainty.  It is also the biggest blessing of my life.  Thank you Lord for loving us so much and blessing us so much and saving Daniel for us.  Being his mom is my proudest achievement.

1 comment:

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

4 years!! So many blessings!