Monday, March 12, 2012


Sorry for the long silence. I couldn't find the cord to download the pictures from my camera and what's the fun of a post without pictures?? I know you are just here to see our cute boy. Well, he's been having tons of fun. I was going to do a bunch of posts to catch you up, but I don't think I can keep up with it so you'll have to enjoy the higlights reel. This is what we've been up to.....

Enjoying Valentines day....

Daniel got his PURPLE belt in Karate:

We've had such a mild winter, Daniel got to try out his Christmas present. We had a family shooting day down at the range. Daniel is a really good shot and had fun shooting up milk cartons, coke cans, spray paint cans, and the bad guy (target)....

He finished up his swimming lessons....

Had Cowboy day at school:

More bowling - one of Daniel's favorite indoor activities (look how tall he is getting!):

Finished up another great season of basketball....

And played at the park. I don't know what this thing is, but we call it the salad bowl. I cannot express to you how much all out fun it is to spin in. I LOVE it! If you ever see one - don't hesitate, jump right in. It is crazy fun and you can't stop laughing!! (I think I like it more than Daniel!)

So that's us in a nutshell. We're also, learning more Bible verses, having melt downs over timed math and still learning the meaning of respect. We have ups and downs, like any family. Daniel is still learning new words weekly. Just the other day I was asking him what they had for lunch at school.....

We had chicken. (oh yummy - what else?) Potatoes. (oh, that sounds like a good lunch) But not normal potatoes. You know mom, like they're melting. (you mean mashed potatoes?) Yeah - that's what we had. (how cute)

So even though he doesn't have all the words, he can get his point across. We thank the Lord every day for the blessing of sweet, funny, amazing, smart, rambunctious, quirky, loving Daniel.

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