Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike blows through town

We had a great Saturday - walking to raise money for JDRF research. But then on Sunday, the remains of Hurricane Ike blew into Louisville. With wind gusts up to 85 MPH, it really gives me an appreciation for what those Hurricane victims go through. Our experience wasn't anything like they had in Texas, but WOW - the damage is widespread. Downed trees and power lines everywhere - there are 250,000 people without power. We are very fortunate that our big tree came down earlier this year. We didn't have much that could go. Some of our neighbors had huge trees fall on their homes. Our power is still out. They are saying it could take 2 weeks for them to get everyone back on! We are so thankful that our 100 year old homestead held strong and our families are safe and sound. We needed to clean out the refrigerator anyway! (This picture is from around town)

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